09 July 2020, This briefing was an opportunity for journalists to ask leading experts questions about COVID19 and vaccine development in Africa. The media briefing is facilitated by APO Group. Speakers: Dr. Matshidiso Moeti, WHO Regional Director for Africa | Prof Shabir Madhi, Wits University, Principal Investigator of Oxford Covid-19 Vaccine Trial in South Africa|Prof Pontiano Kaleebu, Director MRC/UVRI and LSHTM Uganda Research Unit.

23 June 2020, Professor Shabir Madhi, Professor in Vaccinology at Wits University, and the Director of the South African Medical Research Council Vaccines and Infectious Diseases Analytics Research Unit at Wits, announces the start of the first clinical trials for a Covid-19 vaccine in South Africa.

16 April 2020, Media briefing with WHO and WEF – Hear directly from WHO’s RD in Africa, Dr Matshidiso Moeti, the IFRC’s RD for Africa, Dr Simon Missiri, and more, about the latest status of the novel coronavirus across the continent.

23 June 2020, First Covid-19 vaccine trial in Africa launched.

First participants in SA’s Covid-19 vaccine trial to be vaccinated this week. Media Q & A follows after the interview. View the WITs University Q&A series with Prof. Shabir Madhi  here.

13 April 2020, Watch South African Ministerial Advisory Committee (MAC) chairperson, Professor Salim Abdool Karim’s full presentation on SA’s Covid-19 epidemic: Trend & Next Steps. View the presentation at SA.coronavirus.co.za

15 April 2020, WHO Headquarters – COVID-19 daily press briefing with Dr Tedros WHO DG, Dr Micheal Ryan, ED of the Health Emergencies Programme, and Dr Maria Van Kerkhove, Technical lead, Health Emergencies Programme

2 April 2020, WHO – AFROs RD, Dr Matshidiso Moeti, and Ms Lola Castro, WFP RD for Southern Africa, about the latest status of the novel coronavirus across the continent.